
Ideal for searing, ribeye steak is juicy, flavorful, and tender when it's cooked correctly. It's a cut of steak that's used in all sorts of different recipes, including everything from pho and salads to roasts and simple sears. 和任何牛排一样, ribeye pairs well with your favorite red wine and sides like salad, 土豆, 烤蔬菜.

But you might feel overwhelmed cooking steak if you never have before, 或者只是似乎还没有找到正确的配方. We've put together some of our favorite ribeye steak recipes to try at home.



甜蜜的, 当季油桃和嫩, well-marinated ribeye steak come together in this summer salad that's a healthy, 和容易, 工作日的晚上吃饭.

Blue cheese adds a salty touch and depth of flavor that compliments the other ingredients well.


  • 12盎司肋眼牛排

  • 两勺半橄榄油,分开

  • 3/4茶匙粗盐,分成两份

  • 半茶匙粗磨的黑胡椒

  • 一汤匙鲜榨柠檬汁

  • 1茶匙蜂蜜

  • 4杯混合蔬菜

  • 2个中等大小的油桃,去核切片

  • 2根大葱,切成薄片

  • 2盎司蓝纹奶酪,弄碎


  1. 用中高火预热烤架或烤盘.

  2. Coat the steak with 1/2 tablespoon of the olive oil, then sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Place the steak on the grill or hot pan and don't move it for at least 2 minutes. Grill steak 3 minutes total on each side or until desired degree of doneness. Remove from heat; let stand 8 minutes. Cut steak diagonally across the grain into thin slices.

  3. 牛排休息时, 混合柠檬汁, 蜂蜜, remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and remaining 2 tablespoons oil in a large bowl, 用打蛋器搅拌. 加入混合蔬菜,搅拌均匀. 加入油桃和葱. Arrange the sliced steak on top of the dressed greens and sprinkle with blue cheese. 即可食用.




You don't necessarily need a grill to cook your ribeye steaks to perfection.

在这里, ribeye steak is cooked under your oven's broiler to create a crispy outer texture and well-done center. Blue cheese adds a salty touch while broccoli is served on the side to get your greens for the day.


  • 8盎司纽扣蘑菇,对半或四分之一

  • 1个小红甜椒,去核,垂直切片

  • 3杯西兰花

  • 两汤匙橄榄油,分成两份

  • 一汤匙香醋

  • 1茶匙盐,分成两份

  • 半茶匙现磨黑胡椒

  • 8-ounce ribeye or strip steaks, about one inch thick

  • 两汤匙碎蓝纹奶酪


  1. If your broiler element is at the top of the oven, move the top rack to 6 inches below the broiler. 放蘑菇, 辣椒, broccoli and half the salt on the sheet pan and drizzle with half of the olive oil. 把它涂上.

  2. Move the vegetables to the sides of the pan, making room in the center for the steaks. 如果愿意,把牛排切成四等份. Rub the steaks with the remaining olive oil and sprinkle both sides with remaining salt and pepper. 放在锅中央.

  3. 把牛排烤4分钟, 然后把锅拿出来,把牛排翻过来, 再烤5分钟. Remove from the broiler; transfer the steak and vegetables to plates, 然后在每块牛排上撒上蓝奶酪.




The whiskey mustard sauce in this recipe is robust and earthy, pairing well with ribeye steak.

Serve these steaks on top of your favorite sauteed veggies, or with a big salad on the side.


  • 4块4盎司的牛排

  • 半茶匙粗盐

  • 半茶匙现磨黑胡椒

  • 半茶匙干百里香


  • 一汤匙橄榄油

  • 3汤匙切碎的葱

  • 半杯威士忌

  • 一杯鸡汤,或者素鸡汤

  • 半茶匙糖

  • 两汤匙全麦芥末

  • 两汤匙无盐黄油

  • 1/4杯切碎的欧芹叶


  1. Pat steak dry and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and thyme.

  2. Heat oil in a 12-inch heavy skillet over medium-high heat until it shimmers, 然后烤牛排, 转一次, 三分熟总共需要6-8分钟. 将牛排放在浅盘上,不盖盖子,静置10分钟.

  3. 牛排休息时, add shallot to skillet and cook, stirring, until softened, about 2 minutes. Add whiskey and carefully ignite with a long kitchen match (use caution; flames will shoot up). 当火焰熄灭, 加入高汤搅拌, sugar and mustard and boil until sauce is reduced to about 1/2 cup, 约6分钟. Add meat juices from platter, then whisk in butter and parsley.





灵感来自阿根廷烤肉, these grilled ribeye steaks feature an herby chimichurri sauce that would pair well with a refreshing, 甜番茄沙拉.

Chimichurri sauce can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days, 是烤鸡的绝佳配料, 也.



图片由Bon Appetit提供


If you've ever had prime rib at a restaurant or buffet, you're probably familiar with using horseradish as a side sauce of sorts.

但在这里, grated horseradish and ad finely chopped parsley are stuffed into the roast rather than slathered on top.

这个食谱可能更适合秋冬晚餐, 但这是一个利用肋眼牛排的好食谱, 所以我们必须把它包括进去!

在Bon Appetit上找到完整的食谱


图片由食物提供 & 酒


如果你一直想念你最喜欢的牛排馆, why not try making your own steakhouse-style ribeye at home?

这个食谱来自《皇冠网址》 & 酒 provides you with plenty of tips and tricks for how to grill up the perfect steak at home.


在Food找到完整的食谱 & 酒




在这里's another ribeye recipe that might be more a fall dish, 特别是因为它需要野生PNW蘑菇.

但是话虽如此, this is definitely a dish you could toss together right now, since we carry a variety of mushrooms here at the Co-op!

Serve this roast with your favorite glass of red wine and a healthy serving of mashed 土豆 and salad.



图片由Bon Appetit提供


只需要一些简单的食材, 这个肋眼牛排食谱的特点是黄油, creamy pan sauce that's the perfect complement to seared steak.

这个食谱不需要烤架, 你只需要一个煎锅, preferably cast iron to enjoy all those little buttery, 松脆的位.

Serve this steak with your favorite grilled veggies and homemade mashed 土豆.

在Bon Appetit上找到完整的食谱



快速的牛肉 & 纳帕卷心菜粉

这里有一种完全不同的方式来享用肋眼牛排. Try making pho at home with this recipe from EatingWell!

Ribeye steak is sliced super thin and combined with a rich, flavorful broth that will remind you of your favorite pho restaurant.

Serve it with your favorite toppings and spice it up with a little sriracha.



图片由Dude That Cookz提供

牛里脊肉 & 蔬菜炒

低碳水化合物,风味丰富, this stir fry recipe includes tips and tricks for cooking your ribeye to perfection.

This recipe calls for 辣椒 and broccoli, but feel free to add in your favorite stir fry veggies.

在Dude That Cookz网站上找到完整的食谱


图片由Food Fidelity提供


If you own an air fryer, here's a recipe to cook your rib eye to perfection, and quickly, too!

Homemade compound butter brings the whole dish together and gives the steak a buttery taste that's absolutely delectable.

Serve your jerk chicken with some rice and your favorite veggies.

在Food Fidelity网站上找到完整的食谱



辣椒磨肋眼牛排配玉米 & 绿色智利rago

Calling for just 8 simple ingredients, this chili-rubbed steak with corn & green chile ragoût has just the right amount of spice balanced out by sweet corn.

如果你手头没有肋眼牛排的话, 你可以用任何你喜欢的牛排, though the flavor and texture of ribeye pair particularly well with the ribeye.
